Our Management Process

Ancora combines its asset management expertise with our role as plan fiduciary to advise on service provider selection, plan design and compliance and ongoing education. We help simplify the retirement plan management process while keeping the plan sponsor’s and participant’s best interests in mind.

Service Provider Evaluation Plan Design and Consultation Fiduciary Oversight Participant Advice and Support

We act as a consultant to vet, evaluate, recommend and assist in the selection and coordination of service providers

  • Discovery: Take fact-finding meetings with plan sponsors to determine plan parameters, specific needs and service requirements
  • Due Diligence: We use our expertise and knowledge of the qualified retirement plan marketplace to evaluate service providers for third-party plan administration, recordkeeping and custodial services
  • Selection: Assist with the selection of appropriate service provider(s) that best fit client needs
  • Coordination: As the primary contact, we act as an advocate to negotiate changes to service provider compensation and service commitments on the client’s behalf

We create a customized plan designed to meet your business’ retirement plan objectives

> Work closely with selected service provider(s) to design the most appropriate retirement plan
> Two attorneys at Ancora assist in this process

> Continue to consult with the plan sponsor with the aim of increasing the sponsor’s return on investment while enhancing the potential for improved participant retirement outcomes
> Getting the plan design right helps the plan sponsor to lower plan costs, target employer contribution, maximize tax benefits, increase plan participation, and attract and retain key employees

Grounded in your goals and putting your best interest first, we are true fiduciary partners you can rely on

  • ERISA investment fiduciary
  • Creation of a custom Investment Policy Statement (IPS) and a process to manage funds in accordance with the IPS
  • Plan investment recommendations selected from over 25,000 publicly traded  investment options available through custodial partners
  • Custom asset allocation models created for ease of investing by plan participants
  • Target date fund evaluation
  • Quarterly plan investment monitoring & regular plan fiduciary review meetings
  • Periodic fee benchmarking & review
  • Monitor vendor/service provider(s)

Comprehensive resources and a hands-on service team help plan participants make the most of their retirement plans

  • On-site enrollment meetings
  • On-going participant education meetings
  • Individualized investment advice
  • Dedicated service line and live service personnel
  • Assistance with rollover processing, loans, and distributions
  • Web-based investment selection modifications
  • 24/7 online access
  • Quarterly participant statements

To learn more, contact an Ancora advisor today >