Investment Management

With an understanding of your circumstances, goals and risk profile, our wealth advisors work with you to create a tailored investing strategy and asset allocation plan. We offer proprietary, institutional-caliber investment vehicles and experienced portfolio managers to support your investment needs.

As an SEC-regulated registered advisory firm, we are committed to our role as a fiduciary. We will always place your best interests first and customize your asset allocation to reflect your investment preferences. In addition, we strive to maximize tax advantages. We execute strategies with an eye on keeping taxes low for the long-term.

Investment Capabilities

Diversification Across Classes and Market Segments

A long-term philosophy dedicated to quality and risk management.

Equity Fixed Income Alternatives


We start with a top-down analysis to judge overall market risk versus return. Portfolios are structured based on our outlook for the market, economic conditions and our view of the absolute and relative attractiveness of each major asset class.

High Quality Individual Stocks

Every portfolio is created and managed independently. Our independent research screening generates approximately 150 large companies that meet our quality criteria, and focuses on 30-40 well diversified individual stocks that are attractive today. We will often scale into positions.

Great Business Focus

We focus on high quality, financially strong, low debt, high cash flow businesses with proven and shareholder-friendly management. We like companies with a “wide moat” (high competitive advantages). The majority of the companies we invest in have a history of reliably increasing their dividends. We look to buy “great businesses” when they are attractively valued. We seek value in undervalued sectors and in temporarily out-of-favor companies.

Global Diversification

When desired and appropriate we may add low cost index funds and carefully researched active mutual funds to achieve the potential diversification benefits of international equity exposure.

Fixed Income

We construct portfolios of high quality, intermediate individual bonds and/or carefully researched bond funds to provide capital preservation and portfolio cash flow.

Strategic Income

To diversify overall portfolio risk and enhance returns, we search for more credit sensitive, higher yielding income investments with opportunistic risk/reward characteristics. This portion of the portfolio is tactically allocated based on economic conditions and interest rates.

To further diversify and lower overall portfolio risk and volatility, we may add alternative investments and hedging strategies to portfolios, as your individual investment strategy may dictate.

Diversifying Strategies

Our proprietary solutions target the market inefficiencies associated with niche strategies and underfollowed companies, with an emphasis on low beta, low volatility, positive alpha and reduced correlation to the broad market.

Active Hedging

We actively hedge within each proprietary alternative strategy and across the portfolio to drive significant alpha, lower beta and manage volatility.


To learn more, contact an Ancora advisor today >